November 10, 2024
Jennifer Murphey bares her soul during her talk at Entheogenesis in Austin, TX on April 15, 2023.
Monday, June 24th 2024 at 7pm at Meraki Kava Bar, Jennifer Murphey discusses the War on Drugs and her part in fighting it.
August 11, 2024
I had lunch at La Fondita 2 (3330 Center St NE, Salem, OR 97301) today at around 11 a.m. A man I had barely met paid for my burrito. 🌯 He didn’t mention his name, and the restaurant staff didn’t know him either. Apparently, I was the accidental beneficiary of a random act of kindness. I’m not sure whether this has ever happened to me before. ♥️
January 12, 2024
Rick Doblin/MAPS calls entheogen-based religious claims “bogus” at Cannadelic 2023.
Rick has done such great work. Maybe there is some misunderstanding?
December 16, 2023
The Director of The Centers For Disease Control’s (CDC) Oral Health Division, Casey Hannan, fumbles during a deposition for the TSCA Fluoride Lawsuit when asked to provide documentation of the studies CDC relies on to support its claim that fluoride reduces tooth decay when ingested.
Also see:
A medical consensus of public health authorities around the world has considered water fluoridation at appropriate levels as a safe and effective means to prevent cavities on a community-wide scale.
December 5, 2023
The dangerous rift between open and classified research. # By Kate Brown
In 1987, a year after the Chernobyl accident, the US Health Physics Society met in Columbia, Maryland. Health physicists are scientists who are responsible for radiological protection at nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons plants, and hospitals. They are called on in cases of nuclear accidents. The conference’s keynote speaker came from the Department of Energy (DOE); the title of his talk drew on a sports analogy: “Radiation: The Offense and the Defense.
November 8, 2023
The math is way over my head, but I appreciate hearing from the guy that proposed Twistor theory.
Start with this short version:
Here’s a longer interview:
October 24, 2023
Original in de Volkskrant published 21 Oct 2023
By Anneke Stoffelen
A message from ‘ice man’ Wim Hof, this spring on Instagram: ‘Don’t worry about your fears. Embrace them!’ In the video you see the 64-year-old wellness guru stepping into an apparently icy lake in front of a brown rock. His gray hair drips in wet strands over his shoulders. “The fear of cold is logical,” says Wim Hof’s voice in the voiceover, while on screen he blows out short bursts of air above the water surface.
October 23, 2023
I did a live demo of Internal Family Systems for the Church of Sacred Synthesis.
You may need to be a member to view the recording.
October 22, 2023
I wish I had known this in the 1990s.
August 30, 2022
The most ordinary and obvious of experiences, the first person perspective, has puzzled scientists and philosophers for centuries.
In recent decades, the scientific study of consciousness has significantly increased our understanding of this elusive phenomenon. Yet, despite critical development in our understanding of the functional side of consciousness, we still lack a fundamental theory regarding its phenomenal aspect. There is an “explanatory gap” between our scientific knowledge of functional consciousness and its “subjective,” phenomenal aspects, referred to as the “hard problem” of consciousness.