December 21, 2024
This is a travesty.
We don’t make lettuce illegal because it might be contaminated with salmonella. We regulate it. We should be doing the same for Federally legal hemp-derived cannabinoids. The state can mandate independent lab testing for contaminants.
October 3, 2024
Summary of the letter:
The PATH Caucus was created to raise awareness about the therapeutic potential of psychedelic and entactogenic drugs for mental health conditions. The Caucus is seeking input on implementing programs and policies for novel therapies using these substances. The Caucus aims to gather input from the public, those who have received psychedelic-assisted therapies, and stakeholders in the behavioral health ecosystem. The Caucus acknowledges the cultural significance of certain psychedelic substances and seeks input from indigenous communities.
September 17, 2024
2025 Jan 08 UPDATE: OLCC clarified that Oregon prohibits the sale of artificially derived cannabinoids. There is no prohibition against possession. You can verify this by visiting Chapter 845 and searching for “penalty.”
Oregon’s approach to regulating synthetically derived cannabinoids has evolved significantly in recent years. Initially, the focus was primarily on controlling their sale and distribution, while possession was treated as a minor infraction under Measure 110, which broadly decriminalized drug possession.
January 12, 2024
Rick Doblin/MAPS calls entheogen-based religious claims “bogus” at Cannadelic 2023.
Rick has done such great work. Maybe there is some misunderstanding?
December 18, 2023
Drug regulation should not be a criminal matter, but addressed by health care providers. I urge the DEA to drop this attempt to schedule more substances.
Personal Liberty: At the heart of the decriminalization movement lies the principle of individual autonomy. Adults should have the right to choose what they put into their own bodies, as long as their actions don’t harm others. Criminalizing personal drug use infringes on this fundamental freedom, treating individuals as criminals for making private choices.
December 5, 2023
The dangerous rift between open and classified research. # By Kate Brown
In 1987, a year after the Chernobyl accident, the US Health Physics Society met in Columbia, Maryland. Health physicists are scientists who are responsible for radiological protection at nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons plants, and hospitals. They are called on in cases of nuclear accidents. The conference’s keynote speaker came from the Department of Energy (DOE); the title of his talk drew on a sports analogy: “Radiation: The Offense and the Defense.
September 10, 2023
I spent about a decade in the Southeast. I lived in Charlottesville, VA from 2011 to 2017 and in Richmond, VA from 2017 to 2021. Although I identify as one of the most privileged demographics, a white heterosexual man, I suffered from the racism of the Southeast. There is a subtle vibe of cruelty that taints everything from wealthy suburbs to the decaying downtown. I am so glad to leave that place.
September 6, 2023
Bruce Levine is one of my personal heros.
Interviewed by Mollie Adler on August 22, 2023
September 5, 2023
I’m not a big fan of the American Psychological Association.
“Doing Harm”: Roy Eidelson on the American Psychological Association’s Embrace of U.S. Torture Program
August 20, 2023
Universal basic income (UBI) is a social and economic policy concept that entails providing all residents of a country with a regular and unconditional financial payment from the government. This payment is designed to cover essential living expenses and ensure a basic standard of living, irrespective of a person’s employment status or income level. The primary aim of UBI is to alleviate poverty, reduce inequality, and provide a safety net in the face of technological advancements that might disrupt traditional job markets.