
Compassionate Resolution of Dishonesty

November 11, 2023
internal family systems, therapy

Introduction # A complex array of motivations drives dishonesty. They include: financial gain, self-preservation, social approval, ethical dilemmas, cognitive biases, and fear of punishment. Men are often more dishonest than women.1 Cultural and social factors also shape attitudes towards honesty.2 Dishonesty in a relationship creates several challenges: Erosion of trust: Trust is a fundamental building block of any healthy relationship. When one party in the relationship is dishonest, it erodes the trust that the relationship has amassed over time. ...

Origins of IFS in the bicameral mind

October 26, 2023
internal family systems, history

This article was published in PARTS & SELF magazine and is reprinted here verbatim. Richard Schwartz derived the Internal Family Systems (IFS) method through clinical experience. While many reports of positive outcomes attest to the method’s validity, IFS is seen by some as a somewhat separate and niche approach within the broader field of psychology. One way of placing IFS in a historical context is to look for theories of psychological evolution that hinge on the differentiation of Parts from a mono-mind. ...

Jackson County Commissioners: Does Measure 110 have any benefits?

October 11, 2023
criminal justice

I submitted more testimony in reference to the letter CALL FOR THE REPEAL OF THE PROVISIONS ENACTED PURSUANT TO OREGON BALLOT MEASURE 110 (2020) order 192-23.1 Specifically, I read from Eight Moms, One House, and a Road Map Out of Drug Addiction. Also see my testimony from Aug 2023 and last week. Commissioners Proclaim Jackson County’s Call for the Repeal of the Provisions Enacted Pursuant to Oregon Ballot Measure 110 (2020) https://jacksoncountyor. ...

Psilomethoxin, My Case Report (Addendum #2)

October 9, 2023
psychedelics, science

Purely based on subjective experience, I estimate the pharmacodynamics as: pm <- function(x) 7.5*dchisq(4*(x-.5), 6) The x axis is hours and the y axis is scaled so that 1 = a capsule of dried Pm mushroom powder. plot(function(x) pm(x), 0,6, xlab="hours",ylab="capsules") Using this function, you can estimate the effect of multiple capsules taken at different times. For example, suppose you take 2 at 10am, 1 at 10:45am, 1 at 11:15am, and 1 at 11:45am. ...

Jackson County Commissioners: Rescind Letter Calling for Repeal of Measure 110

October 4, 2023
criminal justice

On Sep 27, Oregon Public Broadcasting published an article, “Study says drug decriminalization in Oregon did not cause more overdose deaths”1 Three years after Oregon voters elected to decriminalize drugs, a new study has concluded that the first-in-the-nation law has not led to increased drug use or drug overdoses. The conclusion counters an increasingly common narrative that Oregon’s drug problem is unique in the country — and that decriminalization is to blame. ...

Psilomethoxin, My Case Report (Addendum #1)

September 3, 2023
psychedelics, science

I have had IFS sessions with one client on multiple occasions with a self-administered psycholytic dose of psilomethoxin (Pm). In addition, I have shared Pm with five people Z, M, W, K1, and K2. What surprised me most from this exploration is that Pm seems to have a built-in exit valve. Or from the opposite point of view, the user only experiences the effects of Pm when focused inside. If you focus outside then you can completely miss the effects. ...

Universal Basic Income

August 20, 2023

Universal basic income (UBI) is a social and economic policy concept that entails providing all residents of a country with a regular and unconditional financial payment from the government. This payment is designed to cover essential living expenses and ensure a basic standard of living, irrespective of a person’s employment status or income level. The primary aim of UBI is to alleviate poverty, reduce inequality, and provide a safety net in the face of technological advancements that might disrupt traditional job markets. ...

Response to Jackson County Commissioners Call for the Repeal of Measure 110

August 13, 2023
criminal justice

Response to letter dated 09 Aug 2023 by Jackson County Commissioners CALL FOR THE REPEAL OF THE PROVISIONS ENACTED PURSUANT TO OREGON BALLOT MEASURE 110 (2020) order 192-23.1 “Since Measure 110 was passed, there has been a dramatic increase in overdose deaths in Oregon. In 2020, there were 585 overdose deaths. In 2021, that number increased to 917.” It is too early to evaluate the effect of Measure 110 on overdose deaths. ...

Psychedelic use by facilitators

May 3, 2023
psychedelics, therapy

Abstract: The use of psychedelics in therapy may benefit both the client and the facilitator, and there is a debate about whether facilitators should have personal experience with the substance. While some traditions expect the facilitator to partake in the same dose as the participants, modern medicine expects the facilitator to remain sober. Facilitator sobriety is important to attend to the risks associated with psychedelic use, while communal use of the substance may increase empathy and compassion. ...